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Welcome To Your Guide to Breast Augmentation
Surgery take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the procedure and what you and do to help improve your results. Remember this presentation does not take the place of your consultation and you should make sure to jot down any question you may want to ask as later breast augmentation. Memo plasty is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures chosen by almost 300000 women a year. This procedure can improve the contour of your breasts by increasing their size enhancing their shape, correcting proportional imbalances and improving firmness.
Basically healthy women with realistic expectations may be able to improve their proportions and achieve a greater sense of self confidence and femininity procedure. There are a number of different options to help tailor your procedure to your specific needs like the size and style of the implant your goals and physical proportions such as the width of your chest wall anatomy of your chest muscle and ribs amount of your existing breast tissue and subcutaneous fat will affect the size shape and type of implant that is best for you. Other issues to discuss may include you plans for pregnancy breast feeding memo grams and your family history of breast cancer.
If your breast are saggy a breast lift may be recommended in conjunction with augmentation. You may have a choice between saline filled implants and silicone gel filled implants. Both implant types have positive features and possible drawbacks. For example saline implants usually require a smaller incision but may feel firmer than some women would like leakage of silicone from the gel implants can be at concern. But silicone implants are considered by most to have a more natural look and feel. We will help you decide which type of implant is the right choice for you. Both types of implants are available at many sizes but did you know they come in different shapes as well. Implants can either be round or anatomical often calls tear drop shape and may be smooth or textured on the surface. All breast implants that are proved by the FDA are made of materials that have been researched and are deemed safe for placement in the human body.
How will your breast augmentation be performed?
The incision can be made in several different locations within the breast crease which is called an informatory incision. Just at or slightly above the crease beneath the breast around the areola own as (2:59) where the incision is hidden by the change in texture and color around the edges of the areola. Under the arm in the transact 3:07 position which allows the incision to be hidden in a hollow of the arm peed and the belly button. Using the trans on (3:17) approach the incision is made within the naval belly button and the empty saline implant is placed in the proper position using an endoscope before being filled to the proper size. The implant will be placed either below your pectoral (3:34) muscle called sub muscular or above it. Sub glandular placement depending on your unique anatomy in both cases the implant will be below your existing breast tissue. You will discuss the options and together we decide what is right for you.
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Preparation to every woman has a unique perspective on what may be the best shape and size for her breast and your goals will affect the way your breast augmentation is performed. It is important to discuss your desires and listening closely so that you can set realistic expectation. A great result can only be achieved when there is good communication between us. You also need to understand that the shape you have before surgery will partially determine the shape you have after surgery together. We will select the technique implant and size that would provide the best result for you.
When you meet with our patient coordinator we will discuss fees and cost. Some suggestion help you prepare for surgery. Your safety matters to us you should be very open provide all your medical history drug allergies. List any previous surgeries or biopsies medications diet pills vitamins and herbs you are taking even if you don’t think they are important. Also don’t be afraid to be frank with us about your lifestyle: smoking (3:00), your exercise habits and the importance of getting back to work.
Tips to reduce scaring
Here are some tips that may help you reduce scaring: shorten your recovery time and decrease your chances of complications. Discontinue using aspirin (3:18) and vitamin E for one week before and a few days after your procedure, these act as blood thinner and could cause problems with blood clotting, stop smoking and drinking alcohol. In excess well in advance of your breast augmentation and for one week after your surgery, drink lots of water in the days leading up to your breast augmentation. Hydration will help you recover more quickly to make your recovery easier and more comfortable. Be sure to arrange for someone to take you home and take care of you for at least the first day or two.
Fill your prescriptions before surgery date and have them within an easy reach of where you will be resting place, plenty of pillows and a bed wedge nearby so that you can keep your back elevated. Have several loose fitting, button down blouses, ready to wear in your new breast size recovery immediately after surgery you may have a feeling of fullness in the breast. The greatest period of discomfort usually last no longer than a few days after surgery. You should expect bruising swelling pain for the first week or two. There may be stitches that would be removed after a week and ten days other may be absorbed by the body over a period of time. Swelling may linger for as long as one to two months pain medication will be prescribed to control any discomfort.
However, if you begin to have severe pain, shortness of breath and an unusual heartbeat, contact us immediately depending upon where your implants are placed. You may notice that your breast appear unnatural for the first few days after surgery with much of breast amount high on your chest or above your nipples this is common due to tightness of your chest muscles. It may take several weeks to months for the tissues to relax and the implant to assume long term position to help this process. You may be instructed to do some massage and exercises or wear an elastic band. Make sure you follow instructions carefully to assure the best possible result.
The recovery process is different for every one but within a day of your breast augmentation. You should be up and walking around although we suggest you should plan on being out of work and away from your usual activities over the first week. You may find that you are ready to return to some activities after four or five days for the next or two or three weeks. Your breast may be very sensitive and stannous physical activities including sex in the six weeks after surgery. Your body will be making a capsule around your implants. Upper extremity exercises and activities can gradually be increased during this period but it is important not to over due or take part in stannous activities so that the capsule heal well. Well there will be permanent scars they will be well hidden when you are wearing clothing and even when you are wearing a swim suit the scars are usually small and become difficult to see. As they heal over time the appearance of your breast should improve over a period of several months. Final results vary from woman to woman and can be long lasting. However, implant are not guarantee to last the life time and pregnancy and aging can affect longevity.
What are some other risks of breast augmentation?
This information is not intended to frighten you but will help you make an informed decision. No question or concern is silly or insignificant. We will be happy to discuss the full range of potential complication and answer any question you might have regarding this procedure. Breast augmentation is a well established surgical procedure. There are risks of complication just as in any operation bleeding infection and scar formation can occur asymmetry in size and decrease or loss of nipple sensation are possible capsular. Contractor formation which results and forms breast is a complication recurrence is less common due to neuro technique. In a small percent of additional surgery may be necessary to correct this problem.
All women should routine memo gram screening by the age of 40 or earlier. If there is a family history of cancer be sure to let your technician know that you have breast implants as with all medical procedures. Be sure to choose your surgeon wisely. It is important to choose an experienced breast augmentation surgeon you can trust and develop a good report with so can openly discuss your concerns and particular needs throughout the process of consultation surgery and after care should you decide to move forward to you. Breast reduction a surgery date will be scheduled prior to surgery. You will be given complete preparation and recovery instructions, remember to keep your follow up visits as we are here to help make this a wonderful experience for you. Feel free to review any part of this presentation you like and be sure to take a look at our before and after gallery to get a better idea of the result you may achieve.