Liposuction Surgery GuideThis guide does not take the place of your consultation and you should make sure to jot down any question you may want to ask as later. Many people seek lipoplasty because they want to improve the contours of their body and remove fats from specific areas including hips, buttocks, thighs neck, arms, chest and abdomen. Liposuction is frequently combined with other body contouring procedures such as the tummy tuck. The best candidate for this procedure is a physically healthy normal weight person with a firm, elastic skin and with realistic goals and expectations


How will your liposuction be performed?

Liposuction is typically performed on an outpatient bases. There are a number of liposuction techniques that can be utilized to tailor your procedure to your specific needs such as:

  • Tumescent Liposuction – Using a mixture of local unaesthetic and adrenaline a special solution called to tumescent fluid is created. This fluid is inserted into the treated areas through tiny excess point it help numb treated areas, control bleeding and reacts with you fat making it easier to remove. The fat is then suctioned out to a blunt tubular instrument called a cannula.
  • Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) – The PAL procedure is very similar to tumescent liposuction except that a powered mechanized cannula is used.
  • Ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL) – The UAL technique uses ultrasound energy to literally melt your fat. To massive fluid is first injected and then special probes that emit ultrasound energy react with the fat to liquefy it. The liquefied fat is then suctioned out through tiny incisions using a cannula.
  • Laser Assisted Liposuction (LAL) – A small laser is inserted through small incision to deliver low energy waves to liquefy fat in targeted areas. The fat is then suctioned out with a cannul.

Together we will select the technique that will provide the best result with you when you meet with our patient coordinator. We will discuss fees and cost.


Every person has a unique perspective on beauty and your goals will affect the way your surgery is performed. It is important to discuss your desires and listen closely during the consultation so that you can set realistic expectation. A great result can only be achieved when there is good communication between us. Some suggestions to help you prepare for lipoplasty surgery. Your safety matters to us. You should be very open. Provide all your medical history, drug allergies, list any previous surgeries, medications, diet pills, vitamins and herbs you are taking. Even if you don’t think they are important. Also, don’t be afraid to be frank with us about your lifestyle, smoking, the strenuousness of the work you perform, your exercise habits and the importance of getting back to work.

Here are some tips that may help you reduce scaring:

  • shorten you recovery time and decrease your chances of complications;
  • discontinue using aspirin, ibuprofen, Naprosyn, St. John’s wort and vitamin E for one week before and a few days after your procedure these act as blood thinner and could cause problems with blood clotting;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol in excess well in advance of your liposuction and for one week after surgery;
  • drink lots of water in the days leading up to your liposuction. Hydration will help you recover more quickly.

To make your recovery easier and more comfortable be sure to:

  • arrange for someone to take you home and take care of you for at least the first 24 hours;
  • fill your prescriptions prior to surgery and place them with an easy reach of where you will be resting;
  • place plenty of pillows, a spare compressing garment and hand towels for drainage nearby


You should expect some bruising, swelling and pain after your procedure. If you feel like you have lost sensation in the areas treated, don’t be alarmed. As your nerves begin to regenerate, feeling insensation should return to normal. Swelling may linger for as long as several months. Pain medications will be prescribed to control any discomfort. However, if you began to have severe pain contact us immediately.

The recovery process is different for everyone, but within a day after your liposuction you should be up and walking around. Excess to massive fluid will most likely drain from the excess points for the first day or two. And you may even experience a little bleeding. Depending on the number of areas treated, you may need to be out of work and away from your usual activities for the first week. Over the next two or three weeks your treated areas may remain very sensitive and stannous physical activities should be limited. You will also need to wear a special compressing garment for up to a month to help ensure a good contour to your treated areas.

Following this period you may gradually return to activities such as lifting, exercise and sex. Avoid any high impact activities for about one month. In particular, you should avoid jogging and bouncing activities for up to six weeks. These precautions will help you avoid stress to your treated areas and allow time for your tissue to heal and recover.

All liposuction procedures are performed using small incisions about the width of smallest finger. So any scaring will be minimal the result of your liposuction are usually best seen after several weeks. Your treated areas should retain their sculpted appearance for as long as you remain the same weight. If you gain weight you will usually gain it in generalized fashion in areas other than nose that were liposuction.

What are some other risks of liposculpture?

This information is not intended to frighten you but to help you make an informed decision. No question or concern is silly or insignificant. We will be happy to discuss the full range of potential complications and answer any question you might have regarding this procedure. Though liposuction surgeries are a well-established surgical procedure. There are risks of complication just as in any operation, bleeding infection and scar formation can occur. Other possible complications include fat and blood clots, rippling or loose skin, uneven or asymmetrical contour.

As with all medical procedures be sure to choose your surgeon wisely. It is important to choose an experienced surgeon you can trust and develop a good report with. So can openly discuss your concerns and particular needs throughout the process of consultation, surgery and after care.

Should you decide to move forward to you lipectomy?

A surgery date will be scheduled prior to surgery you will be given complete preparation and recovery instructions. Remember to keep your follow up visits as we are here to help make this a wonderful experience for you. Feel free to review any part of this guide you like and be sure to take a look at our before and after gallery to get a better idea of the result you may achieve.

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