Welcome To Your Guide to Chemical Peels
Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the treatment and what you can do to help improve your result. Remember this presentation does not take the place of your consultation and you should make sure to jot down any question you may want to ask as later.
Chemical peel are used to remove damaged upper layers of skin. Thereby allowing the healthy deeper level of skin to grow with less apparent damage. These rejuvenating treatments are performed over one million times a year. A chemical peel treatment generally creates brighter skin with fewer wrinkles smaller pores and better texture. Acne and scaring from acne can sometimes be improved as well. Chemical peels can often be repeated procedure.
How your chemical peel were be performed?
A chemical reaction between the solution and the skin is created to remove the upper layers of skin. The primary types of chemical solution are alpha hydroxy acids AHA’s, trichlorocidic acid TCA’s and phenol peels. They are different according to their ingredients and strength based on your goals. The selected solution will be applied for a prescribed period of time removed and then a neutralizing solution is usually applied AHA’s such as glycolic lactic and fruit. Acids are the mildest solutions and offer a least amount of skin improvement. AHA’s help improve rough and dry skin and may require a series of treatment and various concentrations.
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Some skin products contain alpha hydroxy acids and can be used as part of your daily skin care regiment. A TCA peel usually offers results than an AHA peel and is generally used for medium depth peeling because this peel does not bleach the skin. It works well for darker skin tones several treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired result.
Phenol peels are the strongest and can smooth course wrinkles and offer long lasting undramatic results. Although the initial recovery will usually take longer. These type of bleaches the skin and is used only on the face the use of make up is sometimes desired after a female peel to even out skin. Colour preparation some suggestions to help prepare the treatment during your consultation.
You should be very open provide all of your medical history including any allergies, recurring infections like cold sores and list all of the medications and vitamins that you are taking even if you don’t think they are important. Certain medical condition might make a skin resurfacing procedure inappropriate such as pregnancy, recent use of defused acne, liver disease, a history of keloids and the presence of pre cancerous or cancerous lesions. This is the time to express what you would like to achieve. Tell us of any previous experiences and learn about the best treatment option for you after.
Your treatment recovery is different for everyone. The amount of down time for recovery is dependent on the intensity of the chemical peel and AHA peel. The lightest of the peel described in this presentation should allow you to return to work. The same day by contrast the deepest peel. The phenol peel will require a healing period most likely out of the public and away from work. However in a phenol peel you will go through three healing phases during all healing phases avoiding sun and ultraviolet light. Exposure is imperative as well new skin is very sensitive immediately. Following the peel of protective ointment will be applied to protect the new skin and bandages may be applied regular light. Cleansing and the application of protecting creams is suggested.
This immediate post treatment phase can last up to 7 to 10 days. Following this initial phase your skin should appear pink and healthy as the healing and the remodeling phase begins this period lasts about 6 to 12 weeks. The final phase would leave you with new healthy skin. During this phase, developing a skin care maintenance program that is right for your skin type is critical for great long lasting results. The results will vary. But in general, you should began to gradually see improvement in a regular pigmentation fine lines in overall skin tone. They should be long lasting but not permanent to maximize your results in the years to come. Be sure to avoid direct sun. Wear great quality sun glasses when outdoors. Avoid smoke and other skin irritants and wear good quality screen.
Feel free to review any part of this presentation you like. Should you have any remaining questions? Don’t hesitate to ask as we are here to make this a great experience for you.